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Israelske links

En bred vifte af links til israelske og jødiske hjemmesider om lidt af hvert. Enkelte sider er dog ikke israelske men de giver gode informationer om Israel og Mellemøsten. De fleste hjemmesider har en engelsk version (se efter ikonet English et sted på siden). Enkelte turistsider har også en dansk version.

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Aviser, nyheder og blogs Forretning & erhvervsliv Gaveartikler/webshop Hebraisk Holocaust/antisemitisme
Jødisk dating Jødisk/israelsk humor Kibbutzer og volontører Kristne organisationer Mad, vin, øl og kosher
Museer Musik Officielle links Organisationer Politiske partier
Radio & TV Religion/jødedom Sport Søgemaskiner/index Terror
Transport Turisme, rejser og ferie Vejret Webcamera Øvrige

Aviser, nyheder og blogs

Al-Monitor - Independent, trusted coverage of the Middle East
Analysis, news and resources on Israel and the Middle East (BICOM)
Arutz Sheva 7 - Israel National News
Behind the News in Israel - Israel Resource News Agency - Middle East-focused information
DEBKAfile - Political Analysis
The Elder of Ziyon (EoZ) - Israel News (blog)
European Jewish Press - Europe's sole Jewish news and information service
Globes - Israel's Business Arena (Israeli business daily)
Good News From Israel - the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel
Israel Daily - daily news from Israel and the Middle East
Israel Hayom - This is where we stand (newspaper) - For the latest News in Israel
Israel Today Magazine - a Jerusalem-based news agency - portal to the other side of Israel
Israel, Zionism and the Media (Ray Cook blog)
Israel Video Netvork - distributing online videos about Israel and the Jewish people
Jerusalemdaily - News & Videos - Your link to Israel
Jerusalem Post (JPost) - Online Israeli News (daily English newspaper)
The Jerusalem Report - covering Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World (Newsmagazine)
The Jewish Magazine
The Jewish Post - Your Gateway to the Jewish World - News & Views
Jews Week
JNS - Jewish News Syndicate
JTA - Jewish & Israel News
Maariv - NRG (newspaper)
News from Israel
News Israel Net - Inyan Merkazi Israel News
NoCamels - Israeli Innovation News
The Times of Israel - a Jerusalem-based online newspaper and The Tower Magazine - daily fact-based reporting and analysis (Middle East)
Virtual Jerusalem (VJ) - The Place Where Jews Click (News, Blogs, Judaism etc.) (Ynet and Yedioth Group) - Israel News

Forretning & erhvervsliv

Bezeq - Israel's largest and leading telecommunications group
IBM (Israel)
Infomedia - The Industrial & Business Guide To Israeli Companies
Intel (Israel)
The Israeli Diamond Industry
The Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute
Israel Innovation 2.0 - Inside Israeli Technology
Mekorot, Israel's National Water Company


AHAVA Dead Sea Cosmetics
The Bible Land Shop (DVD's, videos, music CD's & cassettes, CD ROM's & computer software, books etc.)
Dead Sea Mineral Care & Beauty Cosmetic Products
Guide To Israeli Products
Israel Gifts and T-shirts Shop
Israeli Art Association (webshop)
Israeli Judaica and Memorabilia (JudiacaHeaven)
Jewish gifts and Anointing Oil from Jerusalem
Jewish gifts from Israel and other Religious Gifts from the holy land
Judaica WebStore - online shop for Israeli products
Judaica items, Mezuzahs, Kippot and special Jewish gifts from Israel
JUDAISM.COM - Jewish Books, Judaica Gifts, Religious Items And More
Museum of Tolerance Online Store
Printed T-shirts, Sweatshirts etc. ( &
Shop-A-Fada - Israeli products
Silver Judaica items (SilverHeaven) - Israeli Judaica online store
TES - Distribution of Jewish Software, Hebrew Language and Bible Software
Zechovoy - Manufacturer of badges, medallions, shields, labels, signs, key rings and flags


eTeacher Hebrew - online language academy
My Hebrew Dictionary


Anti-Defamation League (ADL): Fighting Anti-Semitism, Bigotry and Extremism
Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-SE)
The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism (CFCA)
The Dry Bones Project - Using Humor to Fight Anti-Semitism
The Ghetto Fighters' House (Holocaust and Jewish resistance)
Holocaust Survivors' Network - Historic Holocaust Photograps - The Auschwitz Album: The Story of a Transport
The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA)
The Nizkor Project - Dedicated to 12 million Holocaust victims who suffered and died
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) - A Self Portrait of Palestinian Society
The Pipeline of Hatred Anti-semitism
Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC)
Terrorism Awareness Project (the David Horowitz Freedom Center)
Yad Vashem - The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority

Jødisk dating, the premier Jewish singles community online - A Jewish Singles Date Site
MatzahMate - Jewish Dating

Jødisk/israelsk humor

The Daily Cartoon (
Jewish Press Cartoons - Asher Schwartz (Facebook)
The Dry Bones Blog
The Dry Bones Blog (Facebook)
The Dry Bones Project - Using Humor to Fight Anti-Semitism
Jewy Louis: the 100% kosher comic-strip on Jewish Lifestyle (Facebook)
The Jewish Humor and Joke Page
TICP - The Israeli Cartoon Project
TICP - The Israeli Cartoon Project (Facebook)

Kibbutzer og volontører

GoEco - Volunteer in Israel
Go Green in Israel - internship and volunteer
Kibbutzim (News, Movement & Institutions)
The Israel Kibbutz Hotels Chain (KHC) - Hotels, Holiday Villages and Country Lodgings
Kibbutz Industries Association (KIA) - web site helping former kibbutz volunteers, Ulpan students and kibbutzniks re-connect
Kibbutz Volunteers Program Center
Mishkey Hakibbutzim Group - The largest purchasing organization in Israel
VOIS - Volunteer in Israel
Volunteers - Kibbutz Program Center
WWOOF Israel - volunteer on a organic farm

Kristne organisationer

Bridges for Peace
Christian Friends of Israel (CFI) - Jerusalem
Christians for Israel International
Ebenezer Operation Exodus
European Coalition for Israel (ECI)
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem (ICEJ)
Israel My Beloved - International Christian Zionist Center

Mad, vin, øl og kosher

Barkan Winery
Carmel Winery
The Dancing Camel Brewing Company (microbrewery)
Golan Brewery (Mivshelet Hagolan)
Golan Heights Winery
Guide til restaurenter og caféer, anmeldelser (zap rest)
Inside Israel's Craft Beer Boom
Israel Breweries and Beers (
Israel Breweries and Beers (
Israel Brews and Vievs (Doug Greener's web log)
Israeli Food Direct (online supermarked)
Israeli Wines - Pride of Israel
Jerusalem Beer Festival
Jewish Cooking and Baking - Jewish Holiday Recipes
Kosher Network International (KNi) - Jamie Geller
Tempo (beer, spirits, wines, soft drinks and sparkling beverages)


Beit Hatefusoth, Museum of the Jewish People, Tel Aviv
The Chagall Windows, Jerusalem (Hadassah Ein-Kerem Hospital)
Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv ("Haaretz Museum")
The Israeli Museum, Jerusalem
Museums in Israel - National Portal
The Reuben and Edith Hecht Museum, University of Haifa
The Shrine of the Book - The Dead Sea Scrolls
Science Museums in Israel
Tel Aviv Museum of Art


Israeli Music Online - The Israel Hour

Officielle links

Bank of Israel (the central bank of the State of Israel)
The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)
The Central Elections Committee
IDF - The Israel Defence Forces
Israel Ministry Of Foreign Affairs (MFA) - Facts about Israel, About the Ministry, Foreign Policy, Press Room
Israel's Securíty Fence - Barriers
The Jerusalem Municipality (official website of Jerusalem)
The Knesset - The Parliament of Israel
Mossad - Israel Secret Intelligence Service
Municipality of Haifa ((official website of Haifa)
Tel Aviv - Yafo Municipality (Tel Aviv Nonstop City)

Organisationer og bevægelser

Analysis, news and resources on Israel and the Middle East (BICOM)
Anti-Defamation League (ADL): Fighting Anti-Semitism, Bigotry and Extremism
Arabs For Israel - Arabs and Muslims who Support the State of Israel and the Cause of Peace in the Middle East
Bauhaus Center - All About Bauhaus in Tel Aviv (White City)
Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-SE) - examines the content of school textbooks used in the Middle East
Centropa - Central Europe Center for Research and Documentation (Jewish history and current events)
CISV Israel - Building Global Friendship (Children`s International Summer Villages)
Desert Peace Expeditions (Arava desert of Israel)
Doing Zionism - The Department for Zionist Activities (WZO)
The Elder of Ziyon (EoZ)
European Alliance for Israel (EAI)
The European Council of Jewish Communities (ECJC) - basic facts on the State of Israel and the Middle East
Gamla shall not fall again! (News and Views)
Golan Portal - Golan Residents Committee
The Hagshama Department (WZO)
The History of the Jewish People - Defending Israel From Media Bias
The International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies - IAJGS
Israel At Heart - Promote a better understanding of Israel and its people
The Israel Campaign - Many voices, united for Israel
The Israel Hasbara Committee
Israel Nature and National Parks Protection Authority
The Israel Project (TIP) - provides accurate information about Israel
Israel21c - A Focus Beyond the Conflict (on the 21st century Israel)
The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs (research institute)
The Jewish Agency for Israel
The Jewish Community of Hebron - Kiryat Arba
Jewish National Fond (JNF) - develop the land of Israel
JewishGen: The Home of Jewish Genealogy
The Jewish Virtual Library - comprehensive online Jewish encyclopedia
Keren Hayesod - United Israel Appeal (UIA)
Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (KKL) - Jewish National Fund (JNF)
Lev Haolam - Supporting Israel's Pioneers
Like for Israel - connecting pro-Israel activists
Magen David Adom (MDA) - Israel Red Cross National Society
Martin Kramer on the Middle East - alternative reading of the history and politics of the Middle East
MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEI) - Advancing democracy, pluralism and mutual respect in the Middle East
Neot Kedumim - the Biblical Landscape Reserve in Israel
NGO Monitor - Making NGOs Accountable
Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) - A Self Portrait of Palestinian Society
The Peres Center for Peace
Sar-El - The National Project for Volunteers for Israel
The Sderot Media Center (SMC)
Shalom Achshav - Peace Now (peace movement)
Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) - a global Jewish human rights organization (NGO)
The Snunit Center for the Advancement of Web Based Learning
(The American) Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel - ASPNI
Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel - SPNI
StandWithUs - educate about Israel and the misinformation
Step Up For Israel
Thanks to Scandinavia
The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation (thinc.)
The Dead Sea Revival Project (environmental education and activism)
United with Israel - The Global Movement for Israel
Volunteer in Israel - GoEco volunteer organization for Ecological & Humanitarian Projects
WIZO - Women's International Zionist Organisation
Women for Israel's Tomorrow - Women in Green (WIG)
Woman In International Security Israel - WIIS Israel
World Zionist Organisation (WZO)
WUJS - World Union of Jewish Students
WWOOF Israel - volunteer on a organic farm - News & Tourist Info
Zionism and Israel Information Center

Politiske partier

All Parliamentary Groups/Parties (Knesset)
Elections in Israel (Wikipedia)
List of political parties in Israel (Wikipedia)
List of minor political parties in Israel (Wikipedia)
Parties in Israel (Jewish Virtual Library)
Political resources on the Net
Statsform og de politiske partier
The Knesset - The Parliament of Israel

Radio & TV - Israel Internet Radio
Radiokanaler/-stationer i Israel - Non Stop Radio
Guide to Israeli TV shows and movies you can stream
KAN - Radio og TV
Israel Radio - All Israel Radio Stations Live on your Desktop - Live Radio - Daily News - Sports - Kol Israel


Conservative Judaism - The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS)
The Jewish Website (
Jewish Holidays - Israel
Jewish Holidays - Diaspora
Jews for Jesus (Messianic)
Judaism 101 - Jew FAQ - an online encyclopedia of Judaism
Judaism - Learn about the rich culture, history, and traditions of Judaism and the Jewish people
The Kabbalah Centre International -
Kolech-Religious Women's Forum - Orthodox Jewish feminist organization in Israel
Liberal Judaism (modern form of Judaism)
Orthodox Union - OU Israel Center
The Project Genesis Web Site - your Torah Cyberspace Center
Reform Judaism (
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC)
Send a Prayer (note) to the Western Wall (Ha-Kotel)
The Talmud (in English)
The Torah - The Written Law (Five Books of Moses)
The Western Wall - The Kotel - Ha-Kotel (The Western Wall Heritage Foundation)
The World Union for Progressive Judaism - WUPJ (Reform, Liberal, Progressive and Reconstructionist movements)


American football in Israel (AFI)
Desert Marathon Eilat
Israeli Athletic Association (IAA)
The International Jewish Sports Hall of Fame/Yad Le'ish Hasport Hayehudi
Jerusalem Marathon
Maccabi World Union (MWU)
Israel Marathon and Race - upcoming sports events in Israel
Tel Aviv Marathon
The Israel Football Association (IFA)
Tiberias Marathon
Women's Triathlon Herzliya


Bookmarks - Public Internet sites relating to Israel (MFA)
Golden Pages (Yellow Pages)
Israel Science and Technology Directory
Judaica Europeana: a network of museums, libraries and archives
Judaism and Jewish Resources - links
MavenSearch - Jewish Web Directory and Search Engine
MSN & Messenger Israel
netex - search and links
SABRAnet - Where Israel comes alive on the Internet
USE - portal with visual index, news, search etc


Anti-Defamation League (ADL): Fighting Anti-Semitism, Bigotry and Extremism
Israel's Fund for Victims of Terror - The Jewish Agency
Victims of Palestinian Violence and Terrorism since September 2000
The Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC)
The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT)
The NAVAH Organization - Assisting terror victims throughout Israel
One Family Fund - assisting terror victims in Israel
Support Israel by Turning Terror into Beauty
Terror Victim Care Package
Terrorism Awareness Project (the David Horowitz Freedom Center)


Arkia Israeli Airlines - Israel's largest Tourism and Aviation Company
Ben Gurion Airport - Israel International Airport (Lod/Tel Aviv)
Dan - bus transportation company
Egged - Intercity bus services
EL AL Israel Airlines
Israel Airports Authority
Israel Railways
Israir Airlines - domestic and international flights
Light Rail Train (Jerusalem)
Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. - one of the largest container-shipping companies in the world

Turisme, rejser og ferie - Israel Hotels & Tours in Israel
City of David (Ancient Jerusalem) - Rediscover Biblical Jerusalem
Dead Sea - Wonder of Nature
Dead Sea Tourism Guide
Dead Sea Tourist Information
Dolphin Reef Eilat - Swim with Dolphins
Eilat's Official Tourism Site
Ein Bokek on the Dead Sea Israel, tourist guide, hotels, clinics and psoriasis treatment
Ein Gedi Hotel, Dead Sea - Travel in Ein Gedi
Eye on Israel Tours
Gems in Israel - Spotlighting Israel's Lesser Known Tourist Attractions and Travel Sites
Go Israel - Ministry of Tourism
Israel (Lonely Planet)
Israel Nature and Parks Authority
Israel Private Tours - Touring with Tami
Israel: See & Do, Guides & Tips, Food & Drink, Places to stay etc.
The Israeli Tourist Information Index - Surf iZrael
Israel Travel - Tourist Information, Places To Go, Things To Do, Shows, Events
Israel Travel and Hotels Guide
Israel Wonders (The Israel Ministry of Tourism)
Mini Israel Park (models at a scale of 1:25)
The Official Jerusalem Travel Site (
Safed - the web-site of the ancient city
Secret Tel Aviv (lifestyle, tourism, culture etc.)
Tel Aviv in Focus
Tel Aviv Travel Guide - Tel Aviv Ultimate Guide 2019
Tel Aviv Travel Guide - The Official Tourism Website
Tel-Aviv Yafo Tourism Site
TimeOut Israel - ultimate guide of local culture, entertainment and leisure
Top 12 Things To Do In Tel Aviv
The Topsea Surfing Center
Tourist Israel The Guide
The Travelettes Guide to Tel Aviv
The Underwater Observatory Marine Park, Eilat
Visit Eilat, the southernmost city of Israel
The Western Wall Heritage Foundation
The White City - the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Jaffa


Israel Meteorological Service (IMS)
Israel Weather


Israel's live cam net
The Hermon Ski Resort - Cameras
Wall Camera (
Western Wall in real-time WebCam (The Western Wall Heritage Foundation)


The Jewish Population of the World
Myths & Facts Online - A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict
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